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Professions within the airport

Airport hubs are complex worlds that involve many different professions from different fields.

Métiers du FRET - aéroport de la réunion roland garros


Ensuring correct goods transport conditions in compliance with regulations
Les métiers de l'aéroport de La Réunion Roland Garros


Developing aeronautical activities and non-aeronautical activities
Métier de la sécurité - aéroport de la réunion roland garros


Organising and managing the security of people and property across the airport premises
Métier de l'aéroport de la réunion Roland Garros - Technique et maintenance


Ensuring the compliance, availability and operations of the infrastructures and facilities
Métiers d'Exploitation aéroport de la réunion roland garros


Maintaining relations across the network of airport partners
©Hervé Douris


Foreseing, controling and assessing the environmental impact of airport
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